The Plan
The night before the final arrangements were made. I would meet up on Saturday morning with Brad and his friend Cynthia and we would sail from Jersey City to Sandy Hook. Then anchor overnight and Sunday shoot down the coast to Barnegat Bay and Forked River.The Reality
Brad and Cynthia were so exited that they couldn't sleep so they wanted to sleep in a little and pick up a few items for the trip so we agreed that we would meet at the marina and I would prep the boat for the journey. It took me a lot longer to prep the boat then I thought it would, including realizing I didn't have a boat hook so I had to go buy one. I checked the sails functioned, oiled the pulleys, packed away stuff that would not be needed, etc. They arrived just as the boat was ready to go so we loaded up the months worth of food they bought for the trip. I switched on the battery and the motor would not start. Even with both batteries switched in there was not enough power. What do we do now?We went down to the Liberty Landing Marina store where Ivan the ever helpful clerk pointed us towards the Juno Jumper X. A cell phone sized Jump-starter that comes out of the box charged and ready to go. I had my doubts due to its size but it worked. With the motor running we were now on our way at about one in the afternoon. This was OK because the first leg of our journey was shorter then the second.
As soon as we were in the Hudson we put up the sails and set off. It was gusty and we had a little trouble with weather helm until we retracted the Jib. Once we were in the Raritan bay the water got choppy and Brad and I were busy adjusting the sails, marking our position on a map and choosing which buoy to sail towards. Cynthia was below sea sick and lying down all day. I had just thought she was tired. We arrived at horseshoe cove off sandy hook about an hour before sunset. We set the anchor, I rigged up an all around mast light and went below and within 5 minutes Brad who was fine all day became sea sick as well.
The next day everyone was feeling better and we motored around sandy hook only to find the wind coming from the south, the exact direction we needed to go. We decided to motor instead of zing-zaging at the wind. For most of the day Cynthia was enjoying her self steering the boat as we motored down the coast. Because we were motoring into the wind that also meant we were motoring directly into the waves which caused a lot of spray. It was fun but it also got everything and everyone wet.
Once we reached Seaside Heights I checked the Gas and realized we were very low so I shut off the engine because we will need it to motor through the Barnegat inlet and up the forked river. We put up the sails and began tacking south. We weren't making much head way and the sun set. Brad and Cynthia were below deck and both were becoming seasick again. So I began single handed sailing the boat operating both sails and the rudder, tacking back and forth in the dark with few lights on the shore because that stretch is a park. Then the temperature DROPPED and I who never sailed after dark was single-handedly tacking towards and away from a shore I could not see and had no way to tell if I was making any headway at all. I did this as long as I could then took the sails down and went below. With the urging of my sick crew I reluctantly called Sea Tow and asked them to tow us to my new marina. This is technically above and beyond the scope of my Sea Tow membership but I was at the point of even if it cost extra it would be worth it.
I then motored south until the last of the gas ran out and waited for the Sea Tow boat. When he showed up I helped him tie up to my boat, lashed the rudder straight and went below where we all passed out. I woke momentarily to see the lighthouse go by and then again to see we were approaching Silver Cloud Harbor Marina. The tow boat operator nudged us to the gas dock and I sat down to ask how much. He said without my membership it would have been sixteen hundred dollars but that he would work it out and the extra tow distance home would be covered. Thankful I went below and fell asleep. (2am)
The next morning (Monday) I awoke to the motions of someone walking on my boat so I went out and found it was a couple of marina workers who were securing my mainsail for me. I told them who I was and that i needed gas and they went to get the key to open the gas pump. After filling up they helped me dock in my slip and showed me how to tie up at the marina. They were very nice and very helpful. I called Lorraine who drove down to pick us up and while waiting for her to arrive we unpacked the boat.
Lessons Learned
- Raisins stain the boat when stepped on.
- I can go about 60 miles on a tank of gas.
- I should have checked the gas more frequently like at every inlet.
- I should have went in the Manasquan inlet and got more gas and possibly anchored for the night.
- Having a Sea Tow membership is well worth the money.
- I should have taken down the mast light the next morning as it fell off the boat during the day.
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